Exchange students

Exchange students should contact their home university for further information on the application procedure or programme. Before the start of the first semester, they will have the opportunity to choose the courses they wish to take.

Administrative registration

Exchange students should contact their university for information on exchange procedures and programmes.

The university selects the students, informs the ISG and sends the administrative file.

Upon receipt, the ISG sends an admission letter to each exchange student; this letter is mandatory to request a student visa.

Before leaving the home university, an agreement is made with the academic supervisor and the courses are chosen with his/her agreement. It is possible to choose courses from any grade, but beware of timetable conflicts. Some changes may occur at the beginning of the scholar year. The ISG will issue a transcript of marks once the final grades have been processed (approximately 5 weeks after the final exams) in order to validate the student’s credits at his/her home university.

Elodie GRAY

Admission Exchange Students
+33 (0)1 56 26 26 24

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